Paris - Total has signed a new 40-year onshore concession agreement with the Supreme Petroleum Council of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) and the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), granting Total a 10% participating interest effective January 1, 2015. [...]
Thu, Jan 01, 1970Source TOTAL
Paris - Total Energy Ventures, the corporate venture capital arm of French energy company Total, is investing in Avenisense, a French company specialized in embedded fluid property sensors. Founded in 2010 and based in southeastern France, Avenisense develops and manufactures embedded sensors that enhance industrial process safety and efficiency and [...]
Thu, Jan 01, 1970Source TOTAL
Paris - Total strengthens its commitment as a responsible employer by signing a global agreement today with international union federation IndustriALL Global Union, which represents more than 50 million workers in 140 countries in the energy, mining and manufacturing sectors. [...]
Thu, Jan 01, 1970Source TOTAL
Paris - Total has started gas and condensate production from the West Franklin Phase 2 project in the Central Graben area of the UK North Sea. The project will supply 40,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d) to the Elgin/Franklin hub. “With the start-up of the West Franklin Phase [...]
Thu, Jan 01, 1970Source TOTAL
There was no clear answer to the question of where LNG for Europe might come from in a session devoted to the topic at the European Gas Conference in Vienna, Austria, but that didn't mean that panel participants were unable to provide a wealth of information and insights to the [...]
Mon, Feb 16, 2015Source Natural Gas Europe
The Syriza led Greek government has changed the nation's stance on Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) as it specifically tries to enhance the role of the country in terms of extracting benefits for the state budget along with further energy security guarantees.
The newly appointed Greek energy minister, Panagiotis Lafazanis, recently met with [...]
Mon, Feb 16, 2015Source Natural Gas Europe
"In France, we do not have oil, but we have ideas"
That famous advertising slogan, sponsored by the French government during the 1970s after the major oil crisis, may be not so true today.
France does possess considerable non-conventional resources such as shale gas and shale oil in its territory according [...]
Mon, Feb 16, 2015Source Natural Gas Europe
Cyprus plans joint military exercises with Israel, Greece and Egypt to improve regional security. Cyprus has suffered from the violation of its Exclusive Economic Zone by a Turkish seismic vessel sent by the Turks to conduct exploratory searches in Cyprus' maritime zone. The NAVTEX announcing the offensive has led to [...]
Mon, Feb 16, 2015Source Natural Gas Europe
Without Woodside, the Leviathan partners have a weaker hand with Turkey and Egypt. [...]
Thu, May 22, 2014Source Globes Israel
Condensate is a substance midway between natural gas and oil. [...]
Mon, Jul 15, 2013Source Globes Israel
The question is not whether Israel will export gas, but how. [...]
Thu, Jun 20, 2013Source Globes Israel
If Australia's Woodside bows out, the blow to the prospects of gas exports, and to Israel's business reputation, will be severe. [...]
Tue, Jun 11, 2013Source Globes Israel

Today in Turkey Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee and Taner Yildiz, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of the Turkish Republic addressed the progress with the project for constructing the gas pipeline from Russia to Turkey via the Black Sea and made a flying inspection of the [...]
Source GazpromThe Board of Directors resolved to hold the annual General Shareholders Meeting of Gazprom on June 26, 2015 in Moscow.
A list of persons entitled to participate in the Shareholders Meeting will be drawn up on the basis of Gazprom's Register of Shareholders at the end of the business day on [...]
Source GazpromGazprom held the 10th annual Investor Day for the first time in the Asia-Pacific Region – in Hong Kong (February 3) and Singapore (February 5).
Taking part in the events were Andrey Kruglov and Alexander Medvedev, Deputy Chairmen of the Gazprom Management Committee; Dmitry Lyugai and Vsevolod Cherepanov, Members of the [...]
Source GazpromOn February 2, 2015 the Tarrant County Court, Texas, USA located in Fort Worth passed a judgement to dismiss the litigation involving a claim worth over USD 1.38 billion filed by Moncrief Oil International against Gazprom, Gazprom Export, Gazprom Marketing & Trading USA and other defendants with no right of [...]
Source GazpromTel Aviv, February 4, 2015. Delek Group (TASE: DLEKG, OTCQX: DGRLY) (“the Company”) is pleased to announce that it is considering the possibility of a public offering of two new debenture series, at total nominal value of up to NIS 400 million, and listing them on the Tel Aviv Stock [...]
Wed, Feb 04, 2015Source DELEK Group
Tel Aviv, Tuesday, February 3, 2015. Following on from yesterday's announcement, Delek Group's gas subsidiaries today announced that they have accepted a request by DEFA (a Governmental gas company owned by the Government of Cyprus) to postpone the period of validity of a proposal for the supply of natural gas [...]
Tue, Feb 03, 2015Source DELEK Group
Tel Aviv, February 2, 2014. Delek Group (TASE: DLEKG, OTCQX: DGRLY) (“the Company”) reported that during the month of January, on a number of occasions, Delek Group purchased a total of 41,134 shares for a total consideration of NIS 40.5 million or at an average price of NIS 938.08 per [...]
Mon, Feb 02, 2015Source DELEK Group
Tel Aviv, Sunday, February 1, 2015. Further to the proposal submitted for the supply of natural gas through pipelines from the Leviathan project within a framework that was published by the Government of Cyprus through a Governmental gas company, DEFA (the “tender”), and with regards to Delek Group's gas subsidiaries [...]
Mon, Feb 02, 2015Source DELEK Group
للرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسي خلفية ناصرية تتظهر يوما بعد يوم في خياراته الاستراتيجية، وخاصة في مجال السياسة الخارجية حيث يسعى جاهدا لتنويع تحالفاته بهدف الابقاء على حرية القرار والتحرك وانجاح تموضع مصر على الساحة الاقليمية والدولية.
لقد تعلم السيسي من مسؤولياته السابقة في الجيش والنظام ومن تعاطيه الشأن السياسي مباشرة وخوضه [...]
Wed, Feb 11, 2015Source Middle East Strategic Perspectives
“François Fillon à Beyrouth. Au chevet des chrétiens d'Orient” annonce un hebdomadaire libanais francophone avec l'espoir d'avoir visé juste en diagnostiquant les vraies raisons de cette visite, privée, d'un ancien Premier ministre français à Beyrouth, du 19 au 21/12/14 (L'Hebdo Magazine, 02/02/15). Quelques années auparavant, en 2008, les médias libanais, [...]
Sat, Feb 07, 2015Source Middle East Strategic Perspectives
Le 29/01, le Roi Salman Ben Abdulaziz a promulgué une série de décrets portant sur un vaste remaniement de son gouvernement et sur une série de nominations de première importance. Le Prince héritier Muqrin Ben Abdulaziz est nommé 1er vice-Premier ministre, le vice-Prince héritier Mohammad Ben Nayef Ben Abdulaziz, 2ème [...]
Fri, Jan 30, 2015Source Middle East Strategic Perspectives
Le Ministre de l'Intérieur le prince Mohammad Ben Nayef Ben Abdulaziz, bête noire d'al- Qaëda, est nommé “Prince héritier du Prince héritier”. Le fils de l'ancien PH Nayef Ben Abdulaziz, un des sept pilliers du clan Sudaïri en son temps, se positionne donc en vue de devenir le premier Roi [...]
Fri, Jan 23, 2015Source Middle East Strategic Perspectives