Archive for Cyprus

MoU with troika released to political parties, leaked to media

THE TROIKA has given the green light for the Memorandum of Understanding with the Cyprus government to be released to the political parties.  The full text of the ‘Memorandum of Understanding on Specific Economic Policy Conditionality’ [...]

Safety of offshore hydrocarbon activities, priority of Cyprus Presidency, Sylikiotis says

Safety of offshore activities for oil and natural gas is one of the top priorities of the Cyprus EU Presidency, Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism said Friday. Sylikiotis was addressing a round table discussion between [...]

French oil and gas experts to visit

TEN FRENCH companies dealing with the oil and gas industry are coming to Cyprus next week to meet with Cypriot companies and officials. The delegation will be in Nicosia on December 4 and 5, having been [...]

Noble Urges Israel to Finalize Gas Exports to Unlock Investment

Noble Energy Inc. (NBL), the U.S. explorer behind the largest natural-gas discovery in Israel, urged the government to finalize plans for fuel exports to unlock investment in the fields. The Noble-led venture is examining plans to develop [...]

Israeli group unhappy with gas licensing awards

THE GOVERNMENT has begun negotiations in earnest with the companies and consortiums awarded offshore gas exploration licences. Yesterday Commerce Minister Neoclis Sylikiotis held talks with representatives of Total E&P Activities Petrolieres, given the licence for offshore [...]

Cyprus talks gas with French firm Total

Negotiations for proceeding with natural gas exploration in more offshore fields has entered into a crucial phase, with commerce Minister Neoclis Silikiotis having further talks with officials of the French Total company. Total was allocated block [...]

Meeting Cyprus Interim Natural Gas Needs

By Constantinos Hadjistassou Ph.D. Owing to its numerous uses natural gas is the most versatile hydrocarbon. Predominantly consisting of methane (CH4) natural gas can be used to power vehicles, generate electricity, produce fertilisers, heat homes, cook [...]