Archive for 'Tag Archives: 'Turkey''

‘Turkey closer to energy agreement with Israel’

‘Turkey closer to energy agreement with Israel’

Turkey is closer to coming to an agreement over joint energy projects with Israel, according to a report on Friday in the Turkish daily Today’s Zaman. The recent natural gas discoveries off Israel’s coast led to a [...]

Syria’s energy: Mediterranean gas may be the prize

Syria’s energy: Mediterranean gas may be the prize

BEIRUT, Lebanon, April 24 (UPI) – Syria’s top rebel commander is reportedly seeking Western support for taking over oil fields held by Islamist factions but the real conflict over Syria’s energy resources is likely to be vast [...]

Russia not to ‘risk’ Turkey for Cyprus

Russia not to ‘risk’ Turkey for Cyprus

Russia will not put its relations with Turkey at risk by getting involved in big energy companies’ activities in oil and gas drilling off the coast of Greek Cyprus, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak has said. “There are still unsolved [...]

Natural gas: A new duel in the Middle East

Natural gas: A new duel in the Middle East

It is as if the countries of the old and the new Greater Middle East are living in peace and harmony and are not missing anything except to jump over history toward a happier and prosperous [...]

After Cyprus bailout, Israeli apology, gas takes centre stage

After Cyprus bailout, Israeli apology, gas takes centre stage

The prospect of normalisation between Israel and Turkey following last month’s apology has opened the questions about the relationship between Israel, Greece and Cyprus. The fallout between Israel and Turkey over the past four years pushed [...]