Cyprus Home UK — 17 January 2014
Strong interest from UK

Britain is interested in joining the search to exploit Cyprus’ untapped energy reserves, officials said yesterday during the official trip of President Anastasiades to London.
Following the landmark deal on freeing up Bases property, attention turned to the island’s hidden riches and the potential it has to be a key energy player.
UK Energy Minister Michael Fallon said London was ready to engage. Oil and gas reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean have the potential to lead to greater prosperity and security for all and offer greater diversity in Europe’s energy supply, he added.
His Cypriot counterpart George Lakkotrypis said: “We have noted the intense interest on the part of the British Government and companies with regard to the energy plans of Cyprus.”
He said President Anastasiades has held a number of contacts to discuss ways on how the British government, which has world class experience in the field of energy, can assist Cyprus.
“We have seen strong interest to get involved in the energy issues of Cyprus.”


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  • Paul

    Having resided in aberdeen uk for over 50 years, I have seen the benefits that the oil can bring to the local comunity. If cyprus learns from our mistakes, then it could be a potential win win situation for the island,And it will get the country off its knees and back into major prosperity.

  • cemal aslan

    Devils are in the details…..UK Energy Minister Michael Fallon said London was ready to engage – a key energy player…..CYPRUS OFFSHORE WATERS HOTTING UP ? get the ball rolling n expect to see domino effect soon,very soon.Development risks will be significantly reduced.Too many fingers in the pie? British exploration companies will be the icing on the cake.

  • Andreas Gavrielides

    Hope this time cyprus and UK realise the advantages in collaborating…