Cyprus Home — 15 October 2013
EU Commission unveils infrastructure budget projects for Cyprus

3.10. Cluster Israel – Cyprus – Greece between Hadera and Attica region [currently known as the Euro Asia Interconnector] including the
3.10.1., 3.10.2. (description refers to all projects in cluster):
The project consists of a 600 kV DC underwater electric cable and any
Electricity EAST Country Project of Common Interest/Cluster of PCIs Description of PCI/s relevant for the country concerned Priority corridor

following PCIs:
3.10.1 Interconnection between Hadera (IL) and Vasilikos (CY)

3.10.2 Interconnection between Vasilikos (CY) and Korakia,Crete (EL)

3.10.3 Internal line between Korakia, Crete and Attica region (EL)

Essential equipment and/or installation for interconnecting the Cypriot, Israeli and the Greek transmission networks (offshore).
The project will have a capacity of 2000 MW and a total length of around 820 nautical miles/around 1518 km (329 km between CY and IL, 879 km between CY and Crete and 310 km between Crete and Athens) and allow for reverse transmission of electricity. The dumping depth of the cable will exceed the 2000 m under the sea in some areas between IL and CY. The dumping depth of the cable will exceed the 2000 m under the sea in some areas between IL and CY and will exceed the 2500 m under the sea in some areas between CY and EL.

7.3. Cluster of gas infrastructures and associated equipment for the transportation of new sources of gas from the offshore fields in the East Mediterranean including one or more of the following PCIs:

7.3.1 Pipeline from offshore Cyprus to Greece mainland via Crete

7.3.2 LNG storage located in Cyprus [currently known as the "Mediterranean Gas Storage"]

7.3.1.: New onshore and offshore pipeline linking the newly discovered fields in Levantine Basin (CY, IL) via Crete to Greece Mainland with 2 routing options: the first is a pipeline of approximately 1700 km (1200 km offshore, 500 km onshore), while the second proposes a pipeline with the length of approximately 1550 km (1530 km offshore, 20 km onshore).
The pipeline will have a throughput capacity of 24.5 MCM/day, with a delivery capacity of 2.5 to Cyprus and 22 to Greece Mainland. The total power for the options will be around 390 MW.

7.3.2.: LNG storage facility associated with the LNG terminal in Vassilikos aiming at the storage of gas from the Levantine Basin (Israel and Cyprus) in liquefied form onshore Cyprus, for further transport namely to LNG Receiving and Regasification Terminals located in the Mediterranean Sea. The storage will have a working gas volume of approximately 109 MCM/day and withdrawal/injection capacity of 18.1 MCM/day at initial capacity.


Here is full PDF  2013 projects list for each EU country : Click Here



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