I call today to KRETYK (state hydrocarbons company) to confirm the telephone number and if they have a website to add it to links page for firms to contact the company for business deals, and the secretary answer me the phone like this, HELLOOOOOU…
I decided to post an article from wiki how to answer a telephone hopefully someone empowered in the government read it and ask to train the personnel how to answer telephone calls…
Method One: At The Office
Keep it professional. When you’re answering the phone at your office, you don’t always know who’s on the other end of the conversation. It could be your boss, a customer, one of your colleagues, or even a wrong number. Answering the phone professionally will start whatever conversation you are about to have get off on the right foot.
- Even if you have caller ID, it could be your boss calling from a colleague’s phone! Answering the phone with “Yeah, what?” will give people an impression of you that you don’t want them to have.
Focus on the conversation. Stop whatever you might be doing and take a brief moment to prepare. Wear the face you want to project before picking up the phone. It makes a difference: whether you’re smiling, frowning, or bored to tears, your caller will hear that in your tone.
Always identify yourself. In business situations, it is appropriate to answer the phone with your name and company: “Good morning, thank you for calling XYZ. This is Joan. How may I help you?”
- If it’s an internal call, and you know it, you can answer with your department and name: “Hello, this is WebDev, Jordan speaking. How can I help you today?” This will let your caller know they’ve reached the right person, and that you are ready to assist them. Keeping a friendly, personable tone will make the call much more pleasant for everybody.
- In many office situations, there are guidelines for answering the phone that all employees must follow. Always project sincerity, no matter how silly the canned lines might seem—the customer will be able to tell the difference if you are enthusiastic, versus just reading the cue card: “Thanks for calling ChknLckn, the FngrLckn best!” will sound totally ridiculous if you don’t say it with conviction!
Answer with an appropriate level of decorum. Try not to speak too informally until you know who the caller is.
- If the speaker does not introduce themselves, say, “May I ask who’s calling?” This is an accepted practice that not only lets the caller know they are being treated personally, it also lets you make a note should you need to contact that person again, or transfer them to another line.
- Do not delve into gossiping or personal conversations. Unless you’re chatting with a colleague or friend, there’s no room for this in an office situation.
Listen carefully. Find out the reason the person is calling and respond appropriately.
- If the person they are trying to reach is not at home or is not available to speak, tell the caller, “I’m sorry, Mrs. Simpson, Mr. Burns is not available right now. May I take a message?”
- Be sure to record the persons name, phone number, and purpose of call. This way, if it is an important call, the issue can be dealt with as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Be wary of information-gathering calls. If the caller requests details about you or others, consider carefully before responding. Even if the caller gives a name and identifies his or her company, you should be wary unless they are a trusted contact.
- In a business situation, state “I’m sorry, sir/madam. Company policy is that I am not permitted to give out that information. May I have more details on why it is required?” and make your assessment from there.
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